Missions and Campaigns for Microsoft's "Combat Flight Simulator 3"

Sink The Tirpitz - Mission Set for CFS3 - ETO Expansion

Sink The Tirpitz - Mission Set for CFS3 - ETO Expansion

With the German battleship Tirpitz being a threat to the Arctic Convoys and the North Sea, the British needed to commit the naval assets to keep the Tirpitz contained. To free up the naval assets and eliminate the threat imposed by the Tirpitz the British FAA and RAF made several attempts to sink the Tirpitz. The RAF finally succeeded on 12 November 1944. These missions though not historical are based on the attempts by the Allies to "Sink The Tirpitz".

  • Mission set 005 – Fly for the Germans and defend the Tirpitz from the Allied attacks.
  • Mission set 006 – Fly for the British FAA from your carrier on attack or escort missions to sink the Tirpitz.
  • Mission set 007 – Fly long range bombing or escort missions for the RAF or the USAAF to sink the Tirpitz.






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Mission Images

Mission Images

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More mission images are in the Gallery or on MRJMAINT's CFS3 Facebook Page Here